Shadow - 1911 with red dot sight, extended magazine, suppressor and custom ( Black) paint.Available after 6 Trials of the Rakyat and costs $4200 to buy it. Ripper - MKG with optical scope, extended magazine, and custom ( Fire) paint.Available after finding 6 Letters of the Lost. Japanese Tanto - Custom Machete with double the damage of the normal variant, effectively killing most enemies with single slash.Unlocked via Uplay and costs $2790 to buy it. 44 Magnum with extended barrel, optical sight, 6 round cylinder and custom (faded copper-gold) paint. Available after deactivating all 18 Radio Towers and costs $3800 to buy it. Bushman - P416 with marksman scope, extended magazine, suppressor and custom ( Dry Lands) paint.Available after finding 10 Relics and costs $3010 to buy it. Bull - M133 with reflex sight, extended magazine and custom ( Dry Lands) paint.The bullets themselves have zero splash damage, but instead it just does a massive amount of damage, enough to set most vehicles on fire or outright blow them up in a single shot. The description states it fires explosive rounds, which is a bit misleading. Available after finding 20 Relics and costs $4800 to buy it.

AMR - Z93 with extended magazine, high powered scope, "explosive" rounds and custom ( Fire) paint.They usually cost more than their base versions. Signature Weapons are special versions of existing weapons in Far Cry 3 with a unique name, upgraded specs, and even custom paint jobs.